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The 7 Pillars of the Church: The Full Work of the Church Explained

Writer's picture: Dr. Wes MooreDr. Wes Moore
Pillar image

Most believers see the work of the church as twofold in nature, making converts and discipling them. While this is certainly central to our work, it does not represent the full orb of responsibilities we have as the people of God.

To help you understand the complete picture of church activity, I developed a model I call the “7 Pillars of the Church.”

This framework breaks down what churches are to do into seven core activities. Let me list and explain each of them for you now.

The 7 Pillars of the Church

The sections below list each pillar by name, explain what it means, quote a verse that establishes it, and provide examples of how it can be carried out.

Pillar 1: The Pillar of Truth

  • Meaning: The church is to maintain a witness to the truth of the Bible in all areas, especially those which are attacked by Satan and the world at that time.

  • Verse: I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 Timothy 3:15

  • Examples: Sunday morning preaching, Sunday school, Bible studies, guest speakers, and conferences.

    • The key here is in the content of the teaching. It must include common issues in the culture where Satan is leading people into lies and destruction. I call these “Issues of the Day.”

    • An Issue of the Day is any moral, social, or spiritual issue that arises as time and culture progress. Some are simply repackaged errors that existed in the past, while others are new and innovative.

    • Examples include transgenderism, climate change, assisted suicide, socialism, marijuana, and gambling. They are important because they 1) reject God’s truth in an area, 2) lead to bigger problems down in the future, 3) destroy lives, and 4) deny people the opportunity for salvation.

Pillar 2: The Pillar of Mercy

  • Meaning: The church is to wear itself out serving the needs of the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of the love of God for mankind.

  • Verse: Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit [or help] orphans and widows in their trouble. James 1:27

  • Examples: Volunteering at homeless shelters, allowing a Christian addiction ministry to meet on church grounds, or developing a ministry to support prostitutes.

Pillar 3: The Pillar of Teaching

  • Meaning: The church is to teach disciples all that Christ has instructed them in the Bible, bringing them to maturity and fruit-bearing.

  • Verse: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you. Matthew 28:20

  • Examples: Sunday morning preaching, Sunday school, Bible studies, guest speakers, and conferences. The key here is to address issues the people are facing at the time and provide deeper, more thorough teaching on those issues.

7 Pillars

Pillar 4: The Pillar of Provision

  • Meaning: The church is to seek to meet the genuine spiritual, physical, and financial needs of believers under her care.

  • Verse: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

  • Examples: Financial support to needy members, cleaning an elderly couple’s home, repairing the roof of a shut-in, or providing courses on biblical financial management. These ministries need to be organized and supported in an ongoing way and not just a one-off when someone asks for help.

Pillar 5: The Pillar of Salt & Light

  • Meaning: For the good of the nations, the church is to attempt to influence the cultures in which she finds herself toward righteousness and fairness.

  • Verse: You are the salt of the earth…. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:13-14

  • Examples: Preaching and teaching on political issues that are moral in nature (such as homosexual marriage, the legalization of drugs, or gambling); organized attempts to influence local, state, and national governments toward righteousness; and conferences and events sharing the Bible’s teaching on important moral and political issues.

Pillar 6: The Pillar of Prayer

  • Meaning: The church is to gather regularly for prayer to God for, among other things, the success of his kingdom, the defeat of his enemies, the salvation of souls, and the satisfaction of the needs of the poor, sick, and oppressed.

  • Verse: And he said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer.’” Matthew 21:13

  • Examples: Small group and churchwide prayer gatherings where the focus is the success of the kingdom of Christ, the revival of the churches, provision for the poor, relief for the oppressed, and the end to wars. The key here is not to allow these to devolve into a laundry list of temporal requests of members but to keep them focused on kingdom-centric concerns.

Pillar 7: The Pillar of Evangelism

  • Meaning: The church is to share the gospel with new souls by any righteous means necessary to nations near and far that every man would have the chance to believe unto eternal life.

  • Verse: Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

  • Examples: Sunday morning evangelistic services, distributing tracts to homes, guest speakers, cookouts, sporting events, and apologetic seminars. The key here is to make these an integral part of church life and to expand them beyond traditional activities like revivals, VBSs, and fall festivals.


The church is about more than just evangelism and discipleship. For the Lord's favor to return to his people in America, local congregations must understand the full range of works required of them, repent for failing to accomplish these in the past, and apply themselves to improving in each of these areas.

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